Almost a year ago, the AOAC International included the BIOFISH 3000 SUL method for the quantification of sulphite in crustaceans as Official Method 2021.09, under the demanding Official Methods of AnalysisSM (OMA) programme. BIOFISH 3000 SUL thus became the worldwide reference method for the control of residual sulphite by the industry, displacing complex, costly and harmful methodologies using hazardous compounds.
BIOFISH 3000 SUL is capable of quantifying sulphite in crustaceans, both raw and cooked, in two applications covering different quantification ranges: Industry and Regulatory, offering the market a reliable, simple and cost efficient sulphite quantification.
One year later, the BIOFISH 3000 SUL method has been published in the Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL (OMA), a collection of more than 3,000 validated chemical and microbiological methods, including our solution for sulphite quantification. All these methods have been adopted as international reference methods by organisations such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Dairy Federation (IDF), the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
This consideration by AOAC International demonstrates that BIOLAN’s biosensor technology is able to guarantee accuracy and reliability comparable to current official reference methods, providing the food industry as a whole with innovative and competitive analytical tools.