The AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Association of Official Analytical Chemists, has celebrated its 132nd Annual Meeting & Exposition in Toronto (Canada), from 26 till 29 August, 2018, and BIOLAN, as AOAC International Affiliate member, has participated in this event presenting its own innovative analytical methods for food quality and safety.
Sandra Salleres and Arrate Jaureguibeitia from BIOLAN attended this meeting to present the latest technological outputs of the company in the area of electrochemical biosensors applied to the food sector. They also participated in discussions about the main bases of analytical validation.
Three posters were exhibited about different applications of the BIOLAN technology offering accurate, fast and easy analytical methods to the food industry, entitled as following: “BIOFISH 700 HIS portable biosensor that enables fast and accurate quantification of histamine in fish samples”; “Validation of BIOFISH 300 SUL, a highly specific enzymatic biosensor for rapid quantification of sulfite in crustaceans AOAC Performance Tested MethodSM 031802”, and “BIOMILK 300 LAC fast and accurate biosensor method for quantification of residual lactose levels in lactose-free and lactose-reduced milk and other dairy products”.
As a leader of analytical excellence, AOAC INTERNATIONAL advances food safety, food integrity, and public health, by bringing together members, organizations, and experts dedicated to developing and validating standards, methods and technologies, of global relevance.
AOAC’s Annual Meeting has offered scientific sessions, roundtables, workshops, and poster presentations, meeting a variety of analytical needs. Scientists from around the world came to discuss science at a different level, and a broad spectrum of interactions between industry, government, and academia has been provided.