AquaVitae is a Horizon 2020 project that develops sustainable solutions for aquaculture in the Atlantic Ocean. The project held its annual meeting, planned in Brazil, in a telematic way during the last week of April, in which the results of the year and the new prototypes obtained were presented.
More than 100 new prototypes applied to the aquaculture value chain were presented by aquaculture researchers and producers from all over the Atlantic participating in the project and shared the results of the first year of the EU-funded project with 8 million euros.
The objective of AquaVitae is to develop new solutions for the production of low-trophic species such as macro-algae, shellfish, echinoderms, shrimps and low-trophic finfish. Prototypes range from new algae production methods to new combinations of Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture (IMTA).
BIOLAN has achived its annual objectives, developing the first prototype of a high performance analytical device, very advanced with respect to the current equipment, battery operated, portable and connected for sulphite monitoring of shrimp production. Sulphite analysis during shrimp harvesting and processing is crucial to avoid failures in melanosis control and will also prevent the presence of excessive amounts of sulphite in the following steps of the processing chain.