BIOLANglobal is an aggregated digital service accessible from any internet-connected device that enables the user to perform comprehensive and intelligent monitoring of food quality and analytical process management. Optimise your analytical performance with advanced data visualization to make faster and better decisions.

Secure cloud storage, advanced data visualization, customised alerts, traceability, stock management, real-time global tracking and other features make BIOLANglobal the ideal tool to move towards a safer, more efficient, sustainable and profitable food industry.

BIOLANglobal is available in two suscription models depending on the degree of control desired by the user:

  • BIOLANglobal Premium: Get the most out of your data and optimise both analytical and management processes from the first day. Particularly interesting if you measure in several points of the value chain, as it allows you to globally monitor the quality of your products in real time. Receive alerts when inusual results appear, manage your incidents online with BIOLAN’s qualified technical support and avoid huge losses. Manage your stock in an easy and intuitive way.

  • BIOLANglobal: Basic visualization of results. Reduced free version for a modest management of your data. A first step towards the digitalization of your analytical process, always with BIOLAN’s online technical support.
BIOLANglobal BIOLANglobal Premium
Customizable reports No Yes
Dashboard No Yes
Traceability and integration with information systems No Yes
Unified access to the different production plants No Yes
Stock management No Yes
Search filters No Yes
Alerts No Yes
Results consultation Limited Unlimited
Data download Limited Unlimited