Arrate Jaureguibeitia, BIOLAN’s Innovation Director, has received the Galbahe award for inventor of the year 2021, not only for the inventions made, also for her ability to manage the protection of intellectual and industrial property in such a way that they bring added value and competitiveness to BIOLAN’s activity.
Galbahe 2021 is an award granted by the industrial property agency Galbaian, part of the Mondragon Corporation group of companies. The award was presented as part of the ‘World IP Day’, the World Intellectual Property Day, in an event whose theme this year was ‘IP and SMEs: so that ideas reach the market’.
This award is a recognition of BIOLAN’s efforts to integrate IP into BIOLAN’s innovation strategy. Arrate Jaureguibeitia stands out for her contributions in conceiving improved and innovative solutions that do not infringe IP rights of third parties and for the quality of the patent families in which she has participated as an inventor, as well as for her vision of combining IP strategy and business opportunity when making decisions in this field.