BIOLAN, example of a successful biotechnology company


The ELAN Network, European and Latin American Technology Based Business Network Forum was held in Mexico City from 14 to 16 October. On this occasion, the focus was on the biotechnology industry and BIOLAN Microbiosensores actively took part in the event.
ELAN Network is an initiative that brings together leading European and Latin-American innovation and research stakeholders, which promote technology-based economic growth and transformation process in order to:
– Promote the generation of technology-based business opportunities between European and Latin American SMEs, enhancing R&D results with a business model responds to market demands.
– Promote the exchange of knowledge, technology transfer and co-creation processes to foster the competitiveness of SMEs and equitable and sustainable socio-economic development.
– Support innovative SMEs in their efforts to transfer technology to new geographical markets.
ELAN Network is a space for collaboration, co-generation and development of technology based business opportunities between Europe and Latin America. It focuses on the following sectors: renewable energies, biotechnology and bioeconomy, environmental technologies, health, new materials, information & communication technologies (ICT) and nanotechnology.
At the recent meeting in Mexico, Asier Albizu, the BIOLAN General Manager, gave a paper in the “Presentation of Success Cases in Innovation, Technology Transfer and Commercialization in Biotechnology Sector” workshop, when he set out BIOLAN’s track record, business strategy and milestones met, as an example of a successful start-up in biotechnology. He also led a roundtable on “Co-creation: Session on the Generation of New Business Opportunities in Biotechnology (Health, Food and Environment)”, which was an opportunity to meet and discuss enriching experiences to generate business value from expertise in biotechnology.
