Through our \”representative\” in Morocco, PhD. Rachidi in Haliopole, BIOLAN has participated in the training organized by AHP (Agadir Haliopôle Cluster) in collaboration with the ONSSA (Office National de Sécurité Sanitaire des Produits Alimentaires) that took place in the city of Agadir on December 23 and 24.
This training session is part of the action plan of the Agadir Haliopôle Cluster with the support of the Ministry of Industry, Investment, Trade and Digital Economy. It has particular objective to improve, the competitiveness of companies exporting fish products, based on simplification of certification procedures in compliance with national and international regulatory requirements for consumer protection. It also aims to know and understand the standards and regulations for microbiological and physico-chemical controls in the fishing.
Real case studies were carried out and the necessary technological demonstrations were made directly applicable for potential application in the internal laboratories of the fishing industries. In this context, the BIOLAN BIOFISH product range was presented, also with a practical demonstration of its easy use and all its advantageous functionalities, which aroused great interest among the attendees.