Through its delegation in Indonesia, BIOLAN has launched a cooperation project with the Indonesian Polytechnic University of Fisheries and Aquaculture, with the support of the Indonesian Ministry of Fisheries.
The aim of the collaboration is the dissemination and training of students of the University \”Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan\” of Surabaya, in the field of technological innovation based on biotechnology applied to improve the fishing sector and ensure quality and food safety.
The first session dealt with Biotechnology and applications in the fishing and aquaculture sector: Analysis of SO2 and Histamine in different matrices and implementation in production chain, for the detection of \”cross contamination\” during the process.
BIOLAN, continuing with its strong commitment to the Indonesian market, starts this project full of enthusiasm on the part of students and teachers that will have a strong and direct impact on private industry and quality regulation bodies.