BIOLAN wanted to involve all its team in the development of the company through innovation, already innate in our company. For this reason, it has organized the first edition of BIOLAN Innovation Awards, an innovation contest which the members of the company by teams, have developed different and very interesting innovative ideas. Encouraging interdisciplinarity and transversality, the teams have been formed by members of the different areas of activity of BIOLAN, from administration to sales, quality, R+D and production.
These have had a period of 8 months to develop the ideas that have covered different fields: improvement in production processes, proposals for new sales formats, as well as improvements to reduce plastic waste and promote sustainability.
On 22 December, all the ideas were presented at a corporate event, and although they were all interesting because they provided important improvements for the company, the jury was forced to select one, proclaiming the team formed by Naiara Linaza, Graciela Martínez, Esteban Soto, María Muñiz and Analía Ganchozo as champions. Their idea was based on a very complete proposal to reduce the use of plastic in the products of the company.