The 27th of February have been issued the Pole Line and Hand Line Association from Indonesia (AP2HI) annual meeting with main purpose to approach to the members for reach the MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) Certification.
This association is highly committed with the sustainability catch and scoop for the highest quality standard in fish processing. As one of the largest global tuna suppliers, pole & line and handline industry in Indonesia, AP2HI membership ranges in all tuna processing chain in Indonesia, both from fishermen and fishing companies to the processing industry. Its efforts in supporting sustainable fishery are done by actively innovating the industry to keep improving on its efficiency so as to meet the demand and regulations in the international market.
BIOLAN, Capricorn Marine Environmental (CapMarine), International Pole and Line Association (IPLNF), and the United States Agency for the International Development (USAID), have been invited to the conference in order to offer the best solutions for ensure the traceability of their Tuna product.
Discussions about automatization and traceability, have taken place. BIOLAN is more involved than ever in the support of the most committed processors because it offers the best analytical tools to facilitate the access to MSC traceability. The meeting was really interesting and BIOLAN thanks to the Association for the invitation and to the international organisms and all the companies for their enthusiasm and well done job cooperating in the project.