Sharing with the students of the MER International Master on resources and marine environment, BIOLAN’s experience to reach the market from biotechnological research.
During the 17th to 21st of June,  took place in the headquarters of Plentziako Itsas Estazioa PiE-UPV/EHU (Plentzia, Bizkaia) , the international postgraduate course called RiMER: Research In Marine Environment & Resources within the framework of the International Master MER, Marine Environment and Resources.
The MER was created thanks to the consortium formed for this purpose by the University of Southampton, the University of Bordeaux, the University of Liège and the University of the Basque Country, with the collaboration of AZTI-Tecnalia and the Oceanographic Foundation of Gipuzkoa. Its objectives are focused on the Europe’s commitment to develop a thematic strategy for the protection and conservation of the marine environment, with the ultimate aim of promoting the sustainable use of the seas and conserving marine ecosystems. The need for this policy stems from the economic, social and environmental importance of the maritime dimension in Europe. The vision is of a Europe with a dynamic maritime economy in harmony with the marine environment, supported by scientific excellence in marine science.
In this context, the recently held international RiMER course included among its themes, major marine environmental challenges, global changes in the oceans, coastal zone and marine environment management, the valorization of marine resources, marine bio-economy and the sustainability of the seafood industry.
BIOLAN took part in the postgraduate course with the conference “From Biological Research to Biotech Industry”. Dr. Arrate Jaureguibeitia, Innovation Manager at BIOLAN, shared the success story of BIOLAN in bringing innovative biosensor devices applied to food safety monitoring to the market in order to solve real problems in the seafood industry.