The Spanish Technological Platform for Fisheries and Aquaculture (PTEPA) has presented a position paper on the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and repealing Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council. This FEMPA Fund will be key in the future for the financing of the Common Fisheries Policy.
The proposal presented reflects the demands of the sector in terms of innovation, in a comprehensive manner and with a consensual wording.
The partners and members of the PTEPA also have extensive experience in the fisheries sector and in the management of projects aimed at promoting innovation in fisheries. Therefore, this is a document written from knowledge to improve the management and implementation of the future European fund.
The PTEPA is a non-profit association whose main objective is the technological development and innovation of the fishing and aquaculture sector, including the transformation and marketing of its products. It is an association that brings together all the interested parties in the sector, by joining and coordinating actions and information in relation to the technologies to which they dedicate their efforts.
Since December 2017 BIOLAN is a partner of the PTEPA and its participation in this association facilitates synergies and possibilities of collaboration with the agents of the sector, mainly related to the most recent products of BIOLAN, of the BIOFISH line. The PTEPA itself will be able to serve as a launch pad for the strategic and ambitious project of connectivity and digital transformation in the field of quality control and food safety in which BIOLAN is immersed, and which will mean a further step for the fishing sector on the road to industry 4.0.
BIOLAN aims to establish with the PTEPA a two-way relationship to deploy mutual interests. From BIOLAN it will be possible to identify new needs to continue offering new innovative technological solutions, but always with the aim that the fishing sector sees in the technology an opportunity to be more competitive and to respond to the current trends of the market and the final consumer. We will work to banish any perception of threat that sometimes surrounds the emergence of advanced technological applications, and assess the possibilities of improvement that it makes available to the fishing sector, which must be able to follow the technological pace already imposed on other industrial sectors.