BIOLAN has received the visit of the Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu and the Counselor Arantxa Tapia at its new facilities in Zamudio.
On June 25th the Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu and the Counselor for Economic Development and Infrastructures, Arantxa Tapia, have visited the new facilities of BIOLAN in Zamudio, which was to be celebrated the last March 18th coinciding with the recent start-up of the facilities, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been postponed to this day.

Although the visit has included a tour through all the different areas of company’s activity Asier Albizu, General Manager of BIOLAN, has focused his explanation on the activities to be carried out in the new facilities and mainly in the new Data Platform that is allowing the connectivity and digitalization of the biosensors. These new functionalities of the measurement and diagnostic equipments of BIOLAN will facilitate the proximity to the customers and users, and to their needs, at the same time that they will make possible the valorization of all the information derived from food quality and safety controls, as well as from the health diagnosis.

The Production area has also been resized with the extension of its facilities and with the purchase of new equipment, also implementing the Lean Manufacturing methodology for its optimization.

And finally, the third area of activity that has been reinforced, is the one related to health, through the company BIOLAN Health, 100% participated by the parent company BIOLAN, which has relocated its activity in the new facilities visited, allowing it to start new and ambitious projects such as the development of the serological test for the rapid diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2.

Moreover, Asier Albizu has shared with the Lehendakari and the Counselor, the current situation of BIOLAN’s business, which, in spite of the current convulsive situation due to the health crisis, has experienced a growth of more than 20% in the first part of this year 2020, a trend that is expected to be maintained for the rest of the year.

This growth has been supported by the investment effort made in the last year that has allowed the start up of the mentioned facilities, practically doubling the installed capacity, and by the strengthening of the professional team that composes it, which has grown in the last six months close to 10%.

Also the future projects of BIOLAN have had a place in the meeting, exposing the bet fundamentally for the new advanced platforms of measurement based on lateral flow, the miniaturization, the applications related to health and the already mentioned digitalization of products and processes.
