BIOLAN participates in the Youth Employment Reactivation Plan for a sustainable recovery of the Basque economy, promoted by IHOBE.
The Youth Employment Reactivation Plan for a sustainable recovery of the Basque economy is an initiative of Ihobe, the Basque Government’s Public Environmental Management Society, and the Novia Salcedo Foundation, in which young people and companies can be trained and develop joint projects in the new challenges associated with the circular economy that will allow progress to be made towards a more prosperous, sustainable, healthy and resilient society. The use of secondary plastic, the new ISO 14006:2020, waste management, carbon footprint measurement, environmental monitoring and environmental labelling are some of the subjects on which they will be working in collaboration with the host organisation.

The programme has the dual objective of offering training and support to companies in the implementation of innovative projects in emerging environmental issues aimed at improving the positioning and competitiveness of Basque companies, while promoting the improvement of the employability and integration of young graduates into the world of work.

Through this programme in BIOLAN we have the collaboration of Marta González who, during the next four months, will work in the field of the life cycle analysis of our products, as well as in other subjects related to ISO 14001, eco-innovation and eco-design in the organisation. For more than a year, BIOLAN has been working on a project also financed by IHOBE in the ecodesign of its biosensors.
