OSASUNBERRI, an inter-regional collaborative initiative for innovation and investment in the Km 0 health industry and in the health care system, was presented in Bilbao on 4 October. Its aim is to join forces, create synergies and strengthen this sector in order to achieve efficient, comprehensive and sustainable management of current needs, as well as those arising from emerging risks in the field of health, such as the one experienced by COVID-19.
The 27 organisations participating in the initiative were present at the event, accompanied by the Basque Government’s Regional Minister for Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment, Arantxa Tapia, and the Regional Minister for Economic and Business Development of the Government of Navarre, Mikel Irujo.
The objectives of OSASUNBERRI focus on four aspects: the industrial tractor effect, sectoral integration of the value chain, inter-regionality, and taking advantage of synergies in knowledge and professional experience.
A total of 25 companies from the Basque Country and Navarre, together with the Basque Health Cluster and ASEBIO, are collaborating in this project to achieve viable, competitive and efficient solutions for situations of maximum social interest, such as the current pandemic, but fundamentally, to achieve a health industry and a strengthened and competitive healthcare system.
OSASUNBERRI encompasses four areas of action, to develop integral solutions from diagnosis to therapies and innovation and investment in the field of healthcare, all supported by transversal actions in sustainability, digitalisation, knowledge protection, etc.
With a direct budget of 142 million euros and an induced investment of up to 400 million euros, the project is aligned with the strategic objectives of the Next Generation funds, generating jobs and investment in infrastructure and research, and fostering entrepreneurship and regional development.